First, we need to install KDE’s base and switch login managers. Open a terminal and run:
sudo dnf install -y sddm
sudo systemctl disable gdm
sudo systemctl enable sddm
sudo rpm -e --nodeps nobara-release-identity-workstation
sudo dnf swap -y nobara-release-workstation nobara-release-kde
sudo dnf group install -y kde-desktop-environment --exclude=ffmpeg,ffmpeg-libs
sudo systemctl reboot
At the bottom left of the login screen you should see ‘Desktop Session: yada yada yada’. Click this and change it to ‘Plasma (Wayland)’ then login.
Open ‘konsole’ terminal:
sudo rpm -e --nodeps gnome-shell
sudo rpm -e --nodeps nobara-gnome-layouts
sudo dnf group remove -y \
sudo dnf remove -y \
gdm \
evince \
file-roller \
gedit \
gnome-extension-manager \
gnome-icon-theme \
gnome-shell-extension-arc-menu \
gnome-shell-extension-blur-my-shell \
gnome-shell-extension-clipboard-history \
gnome-shell-extension-custom-accent-colors \
gnome-shell-extension-dash-to-panel \
gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons \
gnome-shell-extension-gamemode \
gnome-shell-extension-gesture-improvements \
gnome-shell-extension-pop-shell \
gnome-shell-extension-supergfxctl-gex \
gnome-shell-extension-user-theme \
gnome-shell-extension-wireless-hid \
gnome-shell-nobara-theming \
gnome-startup-applications \
gnome-tweaks \
gnome-x11-gesture-daemon \
nautilus-admin \
nobara-gnome-layouts \
sudo dnf groupinstall -y \
guest-desktop-agents \
kde-apps \
kde-desktop-environment \
kde-media \
standard --exclude=ffmpeg,ffmpeg-libs
sudo dnf remove -y \
dragon \
k3b \
kaddressbook \
kaddressbook-libs \
kdeaccessibility* \
kdepim-addons \
kdepim-runtime \
kdepim-runtime-libs \
kdiagram \
kf5-akonadi-calendar \
kf5-akonadi-mime \
kf5-akonadi-notes \
kf5-akonadi-search \
kf5-calendarsupport \
kf5-eventviews \
kf5-incidenceeditor \
kf5-kcalendarcore \
kf5-kcalendarutils \
kf5-kdav \
kf5-kidentitymanagement \
kf5-kimap \
kf5-kitinerary \
kf5-kldap \
kf5-kmailtransport \
kf5-kmailtransport-akonadi \
kf5-kmbox \
kf5-kontactinterface \
kf5-kpimtextedit \
kf5-kpkpass \
kf5-kross-core \
kf5-ksmtp \
kf5-ktnef \
kf5-libgravatar \
kf5-libkdepim \
kf5-libkleo \
kf5-libksane \
kf5-libksieve \
kf5-mailcommon \
kf5-mailimporter \
kf5-mailimporter-akonadi \
kf5-messagelib \
kf5-pimcommon \
kf5-pimcommon-akonadi \
kio-gdrive \
kipi-plugins \
kmahjongg \
kmail \
kmail-account-wizard \
kmail-libs \
kmines \
kolourpaint \
kolourpaint-libs \
kontact \
kontact-libs \
konversation \
korganizer \
korganizer-libs \
kpat \
krdc \
krdc-libs \
krfb \
krfb-libs \
krusader \
ktorrent \
kwrite \
libkdegames \
libkgapi \
libkmahjongg \
libkmahjongg-data \
libkolabxml \
libphonenumber \
libwinpr \
mpage \
pim-data-exporter \
pim-data-exporter-libs \
pim-sieve-editor \
plasma-welcome \
qgpgme \
qt5-qtwebengine-freeworld \
qtkeychain-qt5 \
scim* \
system-config-printer \
system-config-services \
system-config-users \
unoconv \
xsane \
xsane-gimp \
sudo dnf remove \
gnome-shell-extension-arc-menu \
gnome-shell-extension-clipboard-history \
gnome-shell-extension-custom-accent-colors \
gnome-shell-extension-gesture-improvements \
gnome-shell-extension-quick-settings-tweaker \
gnome-shell-extension-wireless-hid \
gnome-shell-nobara-theming \
gnome-extension-manager \
gnome-x11-gesture-daemon \
nobara-gnome-layouts \
gnome-shell-ext* \
gdm \
sudo dnf install -y nextcloud-client
sudo dnf install kde-nobara
cp -R /etc/xdg/* ~/.config/
lookandfeeltool -a org.nobaraproject.desktop
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme Nobara
sudo systemctl reboot
And now you're done!